My Blog

My Blog

Sunday, February 15, 2015


I generally have a very apathetic, angst attitude towards Valentine's Day. It seems one way or another it gets you. If you're single you can go out with friends and have fun, but run the risk of throwing disgusted glances at happy couples flaunting their love. If you're in a relationship you may giggle at all the single-tons getting wasted on this day, while walking arm in arm with your loved one. 
Even if you are under the impression that Valentine's Day was invented to make you feel stupid and take you're money you find a way to let yourself feel guilted into either not being in a perfect relationship, or that you will be single forever and die alone. (Been there before, and usually find myself indulging in chocolate and wine like I'm Brisget Jones, texting friends how I hate this holiday and it's stupid anyways). 
This year I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful Valentine's Day where I was spoiled and everything seems to fall into place. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Hopefully, everyone's was just as wonderful! 

Kelly XoXo 

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